
Keren Khazzam

Keren Khazzam


My biggest passion is to help both children and adults navigate anxiety-related challenges, including obsessive-compulsive disorder. I find great satisfaction in assisting individuals and families in fostering healthier family dynamics and relationships. My approach is characterized by directness, compassion, and a focus on finding practical solutions.

With a vast background as a school-based child therapy specialist, I have worked extensively with children facing a variety of social and emotional issues, such as ADHD, anger, and grief. Transitioning to private practice has enabled me to leverage my wealth of experience from counseling in schools and leading children’s groups, allowing me to reach a wider audience and provide more personalized therapeutic care. This shift has also empowered me to diversify my toolbox of therapeutic modalities, embracing a more integrated and holistic approach to healing.

In my client work, I combine various methodologies and techniques in a goal-oriented manner. I am well-versed in evidence-based practices like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Mindfulness, all valuable components of my treatment plans for anxiety disorders. Additionally, I incorporate modalities such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), which helps individuals navigate and harmonize the different parts of themselves to promote inner balance and healing. I also use somatic tools integrating physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts to cultivate self-kindness and understanding. Through techniques like Inner Child release work, I address and try to heal unresolved childhood issues that may impact an individual’s current emotional and psychological well-being.

I am dedicated to empowering my clients, guiding them towards self-empowerment and fostering self-compassion, particularly in a world where anxiety often leads to self-criticism. For children, I often employ the (SPACE) program—Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions—to engage parents in supporting their children through anxiety challenges. I take immense pleasure in empowering parents to navigate their children’s anxiety journey in a healthy and adaptive manner.

Lastly, I facilitate groups for children dealing with OCD, providing education and treatment.

 I am here to help you unwrap the gift of healing, guiding you towards a more empowered future!